4 Steps to Take if You Want to Get Poached According to a Real, Live Recruiter

Ask anyone who’s recently searched for a new job and he or she will tell you that it was a time-consuming endeavor. Scouring the internet for relevant postings, searching for hiring managers to connect with, and filling out lengthy applications can sometimes feel like a full-time job. But what if there was a way to bypass all of those headaches? What if your dream opportunity could just fall right into your lap (or pop up in your inbox)? Believe it or not, it’s totally possible to skip that first step.

While recruiters have great tools (like job boards and employee referral programs) at their disposal, they also spend hours searching for passive candidates to fill their open opportunities. Think about it this way: If you were in the market for a new car, and you were specifically looking for a 2016 model with less than 10,000 miles, an automatic transmission, leather upholstery, a built-in GPS, and heated seats, would you just sit back and wait for a car that meets all of these requirements to show up in your driveway?

Of course not—you’d be actively calling dealerships, searching the internet, and going on test drives. Well, the same idea applies to recruiting. Sure, it’s possible that the perfect candidate will apply, but a good recruiter doesn’t rely on postings alone to find the right person—she goes out looking.

Hop on over for the full scoop on How to Get Poached!


Jaclyn WestlakeComment